Skeletal muscle, subcutaneous fat, and clinical outcomes in smokers.

Grant support: NIH/NHLBI R01HL122464

PI: Dr. George R. Washko

Project Information:

The purpose of this investigation is to validate and apply computed tomographic measures of body composition in smokers.  Image based assessments of the pectoralis and erector spinae muscles and adjacent subcutaneous fat as well as diaphragm muscle thickness will be explored in two large observational studies, COPDGene and ECLIPSE.  Cross sectional and longitudinal associations with clinically relevant outcomes will be explored.

People Involved:

Christopher Dale, Dr. Alejandro A. Diaz, Dr. John Hokanson, Dr. Raúl San José Estépar, Dr. George R Washko


Diaz AA, Zhou L, Young TP, McDonald M-L, Harmouche R, Ross JC, Estepar RSJ, Wouters EFM, Coxson HO, MacNee W, Rennard S, Maltais F, Kinney GL, Hokanson JE, Washko GR. Chest CT measures of muscle and adipose tissue in COPD: gender-based differences in content and in relationships with blood biomarkers. Acad Radiol 2014;21(10):1255-61. Abstract