Applied Chest Imaging Laboratory



NAMIC Project Week

The National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC) is a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, software engineers, and medical investigators who develop computational tools for the analysis and visualization of medical image data. The purpose of the Center is to provide the infrastructure and environment for the development of computational algorithms and open-source technologies, and then oversee the training and dissemination of these tools to the medical research community.

Project Week The Project Week is a week-long hands on activity in which medical image computing researchers create solutions using the open source image computing platform, 3D Slicer, and VTKITK, and CMake libraries. Participants work collaboratively on solutions that lie on the interfaces of the fields of computer science, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, and medicine. Learn more…

Applied Chest imaging Laboratoy (ACIL)  have been participating in the project week since 2012. Here you can find the event and the contribution in which ACIL participated:

Project EventDate/PlaceContributing Projects
14th 2012 Winter Project Week
January 9-13, Salt Lake City, UT
Integration of Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) Based Multi-tensor Tractography in Slicer
15th2012 Summer Project Week
June 18-22, Cambridge, MA
Semi-automated Airway Segmentation from 0.64 mm Lung CT Datasets
16th2013 Winter Project Week
January 7-11, Salt Lake City, UT
17th2013 Summer project WeekJune 17-21, Cambridge, MAPorting Airway Inspector to Slicer 4Airway Inspector: Slicer Extension and MRML Infrastructure Integration of Nipype with CLI modules in the Chest Imaging Platform Library
18th2014 Winter project WeekJanuary 6-10, Salt Lake City, UTChest Imaging Platform (CIP) – Core Infrastructure CIP Testing and SuperBuild Slicer CIP- MRML Consolidation Slicer CIP- Modules
19th2014 Summer Project Week June 23-27, Cambridge, MAMultiscale Non Local Means filter (NLM) for chest CT images Pectoralis Muscle Segmentation
20th2015 Winter Project WeekJanuary 5-9, Salt Lake City, UTSlicerCIP Extension Lung Nodule Sizing Tool Density Inspector Pulmonary Artery/Aorta Measuring Tool Picasa Snap: Tagging Your Favorite Slicer Snapshots Feature Extraction on ROIs Based on ParticlesCIP Analysis Pipelines in Nipype Supervised Fissure Enhancement Organ Detection with OpenCV3D SIFT Feature Visualization in Slicer
21th2015 Summer Project WeekJune 21-24, Barcelona, SpainLungCADBig Data Medical Image Analysis using Local FeaturesSlicer CIP: Advanced Features and Deployment PAA Ratio Module Planning for Tracheal Stents 
22nd2016 Winter Project Week
January 4-8, Cambridge, MA
23rd2016 Summer Project Week
June 20-25, Heidelberg, Germany
24th2017 Winter Project Week
January 9-13, Cambridge, MA
25th2017 Summer Project Week
June 26-30, Calabria, Italy
26th2017 Summer Project Week-II
July 17-21, Robarts Research Institute, London, Canada
27th2018 Winter Project WeekJanuary 8-12, Cambridge, MA 
28th2018 Summer Project Week
June 25-29, Gran Canaria, Spain
29th2018 Summer Project Week-II
July 16-20, Robarts Research Institute, London, Canada
30th2019 Winter Project Week
January 28-February 1, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

Workshops & Conferences

Prevent Cancer Foundation
Lung Cancer Workshop XII
Quantitative Imaging: Screening and Tobacco-induced Disease Management
May 4-5, 2015, Hyatt Regency, Bethesda, MD 
Quantitative Medical Imaging (QMI) 25 – 26 June 2013Renaissance Arlington Capital View, Arlington, Virginia, USA
