Associate Physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

I am a clinical investigator in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with a focus in imaging and quantitative image analysis. I have been on staff for approximately 6 years and have been awarded a K23 Mentored Career Development Award with the aims of developing image based biomarkers for airway disease in smokers. In addition to my K23, I am one 10 national PIs of the NHLBI funded COPD Clinical Research Networks. The goal of this network is to find therapies for the treatment and/or prevention of acute exacerbations of COPD. We recently completed a multicenter randomized placebo controlled trial of azithromycin and published the results in the NEJM. In addition to my clinical research, I maintain an imaging group focused on Computed Tomographic characterization of lung disease. In addition to our role as one of the image analysis sites in the COPDGene Study, we are the image analysis center for the Framingham Heart Study Pulmonary Research Center. To date we have processed over 30,000 CT scans of the chest between the COPDGene and FHS projects. Finally, I have an ancillary clinical studies R01 whose aims are focused on the CT based assessment of smoking related lung disease in the COPD CRN statin trial and we are actively recruiting study subjects across North America.
Contact Information
p: (617) 732-6770
Research Role
Lab Director