CT-based Phenotype for Airway Remodeling in COPD based on Airway Wall Density Power

Grant support: NIH/NHLBI 1K25HL104085-01

PI: Dr. Raul San Jose Estepar

Project Information:

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) affects up to 24 million people in the United States and is projected to be the 3rd leading cause of death worldwide by 2020. Unlike many other diseases, only rudimentary standards are available for describing the severity and the heterogeneity of COPD. This proposal assesses the validity of a new phenotype of airway disease, airway power, for the characterization of COPD based on a combination of X-ray attenuation and size of the airway wall measured from CT which can be used to define endpoints in clinical trials as well as to explore genome wide associations hence providing a benefit to the public health.

People Involved:

Dr. Alejandro A. Diaz, Dr. Germán González, Dr. Rola Harmouche, Dr. James Ross, Dr. Raúl San José Estépar, Dr. George R Washko


Hunninghake GM, Hatabu H, Okajima Y, Gao W, Dupuis J, Latourelle JC, Nishino M, Araki T, Zazueta OE, Kurugol S, Ross JC, San José Estépar R, Murphy E, Steele MP, Loyd JE, Schwarz MI, Fingerlin TE, Rosas IO, Washko GR, O’Connor GT, Schwartz DA. MUC5B promoter polymorphism and interstitial lung abnormalities. N Engl J Med 2013;368(23):2192-200. Abstract


San José Estépar R, Kinney GL, Black-Shinn JL, Bowler RP, Kindlmann GL, Ross JC, Kikinis R, Han MLK, Come CE, Diaz AA, Cho MH, Hersh CP, Schroeder JD, Reilly JJ, Lynch DA, Crapo JD, Wells MJ, Dransfield MT, Hokanson JE, Washko GR. Computed tomographic measures of pulmonary vascular morphology in smokers and their clinical implications. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013;188(2):231-9. Abstract

Diaz AA, Zhou L, Young TP, McDonald M-L, Harmouche R, Ross JC, Estepar RSJ, Wouters EFM, Coxson HO, MacNee W, Rennard S, Maltais F, Kinney GL, Hokanson JE, Washko GR. Chest CT measures of muscle and adipose tissue in COPD: gender-based differences in content and in relationships with blood biomarkers. Acad Radiol 2014;21(10):1255-61. Abstract

Ross JC, Díaz AA, Okajima Y, Wassermann D, Washko GR, Dy J, San José Estépar R. AIRWAY LABELING USING A HIDDEN MARKOV TREE MODEL. Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging 2014;2014:554-558. Abstract




Rudyanto RD, Muñoz-Barrutia A, Diaz AA, Ross J, Washko GR, Ortiz-de-Solorzano C, Estepar RSJ. MODELING AIRWAY PROBABILITY. Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging 2013; Abstract

Nava R, Escalante-Ramírez B, Cristóbal G, San José Estépar R. Extended Gabor approach applied to classification of emphysematous patterns in computed tomography. Med Biol Eng Comput 2014;52(4):393-403. Abstract


Wassermann D, Ross J, Washko G, Wells WM, San Jose-Estepar R. Deformable Registration of Feature-Endowed Point Sets Based on Tensor Fields. Proc IEEE Comput Soc Conf Comput Vis Pattern Recognit 2014;2014:2729-2735. Abstract


Castaldi PJ, Cho MH, San José Estépar R, McDonald M-LN, Laird N, Beaty TH, Washko G, Crapo JD, Silverman EK. Genome-wide association identifies regulatory Loci associated with distinct local histogram emphysema patterns. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2014;190(4):399-409. Abstract

Kim Y-I, Schroeder J, Lynch D, Newell J, Make B, Friedlander A, San José Estépar R, Hanania NA, Washko G, Murphy JR, Wilson C, Hokanson JE, Zach J, Butterfield K, Bowler RP, Bowler RP. Gender differences of airway dimensions in anatomically matched sites on CT in smokers. COPD 2011;8(4):285-92. Abstract


Azagury DE, Ryou M, Shaikh SN, San José Estépar R, Lengyel BI, Jagadeesan J, Vosburgh KG, Thompson CC. Real-time computed tomography-based augmented reality for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery navigation. Br J Surg 2012;99(9):1246-53. Abstract

Castaldi PJ, San José Estépar R, Mendoza CS, Hersh CP, Laird N, Crapo JD, Lynch DA, Silverman EK, Washko GR. Distinct quantitative computed tomography emphysema patterns are associated with physiology and function in smokers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013;188(9):1083-90. Abstract