Diffeomorphic point set registration using non-stationary mixture models


Wassermann D, Ross J, Washko G, Westin CF, San Jose Estépar R. Diffeomorphic point set registration using non-stationary mixture models. Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2013 IEEE 10th International Symposium onBiomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2013 IEEE 10th International Symposium on 2013;:1042-1045.


This paper investigates a diffeomorphic point-set registration based on non-stationary mixture models. The goal is to improve the non-linear registration of anatomical structures by representing each point as a general non-stationary kernel that provides information about the shape of that point. Our framework generalizes work done by others that use stationary models. We achieve this by integrating the shape at each point when calculating the point-set similarity and transforming it according to the calculated deformation. We also restrict the non-rigid transform to the space of symmetric diffeomorphisms. Our algorithm is validated in synthetic and human datasets in two different applications: fiber bundle and lung airways registration. Our results shows that nonstationary mixture models are superior to Gaussian mixture models and methods that do not take into account the shape of each point. View full abstract