@article {473201, title = {Trachea Air: Internal Reference Standard For CT Lung Densitometry}, journal = {American journal of respiratory and critical care medicineAmerican journal of respiratory and critical care medicine}, volume = {185}, year = {2012}, month = {Jun}, pages = {A2037}, abstract = { RATIONALE: The nominal CT number of air is -1000HU. In contemporary multi-slice CT scanners, the CT number of air in the trachea is greater than -1000HU. Consequently, the value of trachea air CT number of an individual subject{\textquoteright}s image might be used as an internal reference standard for CT lung densitometry. }, author = {Judy, Philip F and San Jose Est{\'e}par, Ra{\'u}l and Ross, James C and Washko, George R and Silverman, Edwin K and Lynch, David A and the COPDGene Investigators, \&} }