@article {473181, title = {Impact Of Differing Convolution Kernels On Quantitative CT Measures Of Lung Density And Correlation With Physiology In Smokers: B31f Vs B35f}, journal = {American journal of respiratory and critical care medicineAmerican journal of respiratory and critical care medicine}, volume = {185}, year = {2012}, month = {Jun}, pages = {A2029}, abstract = { Rationale The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether quantitative CT (QCT) measures of emphysema (EMP) and gas trapping (GT) are significantly different when evaluated on images reconstructed with differing {\textquotedblleft}soft{\textquotedblright} convolution kernels, and to evaluate whether one kernel correlates better with physiology. Methods }, author = {Zach, Jordan A. and Wilson, Carla and Williams, Andre and Stinson, Douglas and San Jose Est{\'e}par, Ra{\'u}l and Washko, George R and Sieren, Jered and Tschirren, Juerg and Hoffman, Eric A and Lynch, David A} }